We usually try to have sex at least once a week but sometimes there just is not enough time or energy left at the end of the day.
I do not allow anyone to cum in my mouth. I hate the feeling and I really have no desire to taste cum. I guess that is one thing that people will find about me that is not all that much fun!
My greatest sexual fantasy is a fantasy. I like it rough sometimes and to have forced sex with a stranger just makes me wet thinking about it.
We never have this problem because we don't swing with the same people more than once. We do not want any attachment to anyone other then the two of us so it is always a once and done deal.
I have had group sex a few times and it is an amazing thing. I would love to do it more often but with all the STD's out there I can see why it is only safe to do with people that you know or belong to a club that tests everyone for everything.
I have never let anyone know where we live, sometimes the couples that we play with don't even know our real names. I am just more comfortable keeping this part of our lives as private as possible and we are very discreet since we have a toddler.
Well there are pros and cons to going with either. The pros to an expierenced couple would be that if you could get a couple to teach you that would be great, the cons would be that an expierenced couple could easily get annoyed with you being so unexpierenced. The pros to going with another new couple is that you would be really comfortable that you are on the same level as them, the cons would be that you might not enjoy it as much as you could have. Those are just a few things to think about.
This sounds like it is a very common fantasy. My husband is really interested in being with a black woman but I am not so into it.
I think in order for you to like swinging you already have to like sex a lot. If you didn't like sex before swinging then there is somthing wrong in the relationship that you are already in.
Hello all,
Glad to have found a place that I can talk about our expierences and get ideas for new ones openly. I hate people that think swinging is such a thing, I think that everyone should try it before they knock it.
I really don't understand how men can look at feet and get turned on. I really just think that feet are ugly and I would not want a man kissing or feeling on mine.
Well I guess the best thing to do is make a list of all the strange places that we have done the deed.
1. Laudromat(no one was around and it was in the middle of the night)
2. Outside at our cabin house in the mountains(we just went right out in the middle of the front yard)
3. In a movie theater (this one was a hard one but in the middle of the day there is really no one else there so we gave it a shot)
4. On my parents couch in the living room (everyone was home but asleep and this is the first time we did it)
I would love to use toys but I am never quite sure about how to bring them into play? I feel strange just asking someone if we can use some toys that I brought along? How do you approach it?
My husband and I really do not care what age the swingers are, as long as they are adults. We really don't mind younger couples but I can say that sometimes they don't know what they are getting into and have a hard time when it comes down to getting into the action.
I have thought about getting implants but I just can't bring myself to go under the knife. I don't really want bigger ones I just need a little lift as I am starting to sag.
My list is a bit naughty!
1. Fantasy (there is a real theme going here I noticed)
2. Have sex with a teenager (18 is the youngest)
3. Have sex with another woman
4. Have sex with another man without my husband there
The list could go on and on but these are the most important ones.