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Melbourne Meet N Greet!!!!! 21st April

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Hey Everyone ................. well its about time to get organized for the next Melb Meet N Greet.... Saturday 21st April 2012 BAR 362!! !!!! Front room. 362 St Kilda Road St. Kilda between Inkerman & Carlisle Streets, just up from the St Kilda Town Hall & right next to Beacon Lighting. Then venue is open till 3am and if you chose to make a night of it there's plenty of hotels within walking distance. There is plenty of free parking around the venue or you have easy access to public transport just outside the venue. This is a Social Meet and Greet Only.....of course what you lot do after is up to you!! And knowing a few of you im sure there will be lots of fun afterwards Everyone is Welcome....we had a blast last time.... lets make this just as awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! :giggle::thrilled::thrilled::evil2: See ya All there .... Jazz xxx EDITED TO ADD: This is a SOCIAL meet and greet only....IF there is ANY inappropitate WILL be removed..... this will NOT be tolerated....under ANY circumstances. Thank you
The meet and greet is open to everyone..... all members of SH.....Last time I looked.... Please note that NO means NO.... and if anyone has an issue please feel free to tell me. thanks jazz
Forum Virgin
Ill be attending and traveling from the north side if anyone ould like a lift S.
We'll be there as the last one was awesome. This time I'm on a mission to get around and meet as many people as possible. Can't wait xoxo
Warming the Bed
Betty and I will most certainly be there - the last meet and greet was great - nice to put faces to names. Congratulations on the venue too. Centrally located for almost everyone and with loads of parking. :thrilled: Thanks again for arranging this folks :giggle:
Warming the Bed
We had a great time at last meet and greet and i am sure this one will be no diferent... Count us in !! :taz: See you all there drinkies
trying to work out the logic in the previous post......he has the question AND the answer in the same post....what was the point??? I hope its not a sign that this thread will become a constant whinge about somebody getting brought into line after the last meet
if someone was the subject of some issues then double checking whether their attendence would still be welcome is only a respectful thing to do we dont need to make an issue out of it do we?
There will be NO issues at the meet as far as Im concerned..... People respect the personal space of others and as always NO means NO.... Frankies as I have expalined before the meets are open to all... Again if anyone has an issue please Bring it to a moderator of SH or myself personally on the night. I dont think this needs to be a topic of conversation any further. Jazz
We'll be there it will be our first meet & greet so take it easy on us lmao, going to make a big night of it getting a room close by so we don't have to stagger to far to get back. Hope to see alot of people from SH there can anyone recommend a good hotel?
I'm coming, and possibly bringing a friend smile
Ok everyone ....... I have been receiving some negative feedback about the last meet....... What I find disturbing is ....... that its only now that I am being told.....Feedback is MORE than welcome....but to be talking to others about it, instead of Myself or Greedy is rather pointless.... While the concerns that have been bought to me are appreciated, moaning and complaining to those who cannot change it seems to be a big waste of time... These meets are done so we can all have a good time ..... meeting new people is a wonderful experience....and catching up with those we have met before..... So my request would be that if you have suggestions or complaints feel free to bring them to me....... I cannot change a problem if I dont know it exists ... Thank You Jazz
We have complaints? Wow I didn't receive one. However I did receive lots of msgs and positive feedback thanking us for putting on a great event in January. The only suggestion I received was about the lighting and could the lasers be turned off this time which I'm happy to speak to Bar362 about. I really do appreciate feedback whether good or bad as we want to make everyone's experience top notch so please feel free to make some suggestions. The most important thing is to have a great time and if you need some help on the night come and find either myself or Jazz. If you're not sure who we are ask someone and they'll point us out. Can't wait for 21st April woohoo.
My gorgeous girl has a habit of getting topless after a few drinks (thrives on attention) would this be deemed as inappropriate behaviour ?
mmmm thats a hard one.... speaking personally It wouldnt bother me... but as these nights are strictly social it may bother others ....... So lets not and say we did smile Very much looking forward to meeting you both tho :)
Boooooooooooooooooobies mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ( .o. )Y( .o. )
Warming the Bed
yes i plan to cum to this one , thou i know no one. ill be the one in the corner being shy i guess
lol knobhead..... Greedy and I will be bouncing around somewhere...come tap us on the shoulder and say HI....we dont bite the first time smile :happy::happy::happy:
So if I'm allowed to attend, how would I go about finding the rest of the hornbags? Do I ask at the bar, or will it obvious to even the most simple-folk such as myself? Shy first timer...
Sex God
Quote by runningatnightj
So if I'm allowed to attend, how would I go about finding the rest of the hornbags? Do I ask at the bar, or will it obvious to even the most simple-folk such as myself? Shy first timer...

UUMMMM Jazz as stated this party is open to all.. So i guess the only if, is , if you dont chicken out before walking in. and the first message states its in the front room, so that would mean, its not hard to find.
So I think that covers your questions smile so far :)
May have to try and get a leave pass from work for the evening! Sounds like it could be a great night. Will be my 1st M&G in Melbourne. Cheers, Travelling!
Quote by runningatnightj
So if I'm allowed to attend, how would I go about finding the rest of the hornbags? Do I ask at the bar, or will it obvious to even the most simple-folk such as myself? Shy first timer...

Running, we have the entire bar to ourselves so when you walk in it will be all SH people.
For all you other first timers - everyone is friendly so just go up to others and say hi. We are all there to meet so everyone is receptive to others saying hi and having a bit of a convo.
If there's people in particular you'd really like to meet then come and find either Jazz or myself and we'll help you out.
Don't be shy as none of us bite, well not in public anyway lol.
Hi Guys, As this is my first Meet n Greet and being such a girl I have to ask... what is the dresscode? Normal bar clothes or something sexier? We've been to Abode, Kinky, Chains & Saints n Sinners which all encourage kinky dresscode... so I think it's good to ask. Looking forward to meeting the nice people we've spoken to so far on here. T & o
Hi guys... just normal is fine smile ........ oh this meet is going to be such fun yet again :) Looking forward to meeting you all wink :wink:
Wall.........its a stricly social meet and greet.... so a good rule would be ......what you wouldn't do in a pub dont do at the meet.... Altho we do have the venue to ourselves.... we all need to remember that there is alot of new ppl coming along who may feel nervous... so in respect to all .... hugs.... kisses, hand shakes lol all pretty safe ..... Greedy and myself will be more than happy to answer any questions on the night of course .... wink
Master of Sex
I think I'd be too shy for a Melb meet. ;) Or perhaps not. I will make it there one meet. Promise smile
Hahahaha Baa you shy? What if Jazz and I promise not to kiss you, will you come then?
Master of Sex
Quote by GoodandGreedy
Hahahaha Baa you shy? What if Jazz and I promise not to kiss you, will you come then?

Are you trying to keep me away Greedy lol
Quote by baabaa5
Hahahaha Baa you shy? What if Jazz and I promise not to kiss you, will you come then?

Are you trying to keep me away Greedy lol
And you guys say us girls are hard to please! You know us Melb ppl would love you to come kiss
Master of Sex
I'm only kiddin. Would love to come to at least one Melbourne meet this year smile