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Adelaide Northern Meet 2nd August 2014

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Forum Virgin
I Might drop by if free
Warming the Bed
Quote by NakedandNaughty
We will be there, yippee, we are looking forward to it. See u all Sat nite.

Hi guys look forward to meeting cya sat night cheers funcouplesa
Quote by NakedandNaughty
We will be there, yippee, we are looking forward to it. See u all Sat nite.

Look forward to catching up, we are also really looking forward to it.
It's our first M&G so we are looking forward to it, and shitting ourselves in equal parts smile
Warming the Bed
Quote by CaN
It's our first M&G so we are looking forward to it, and shitting ourselves in equal parts smile

Hi guys we have had others say the same but have found the meet very enjoyable, its a non threatening envoirment with very friendly people you will be fine, look forward to meeting you guys remember to look for the blue and pink balloons cheers funcouplesa
Hi C&N We too were first timers a little while back, and the best way i can describe going to your first meet and greet is as if you were going to a pub to meet some people for a drink and a laugh, cause thats exactly what it is. Its not a play event, its a public bar where we all just act normal like normal people would and have a good time and laugh. Hope that puts you at ease, Simone and James
Thanks Simone and James, It actually makes a huge difference to hear you say that. I just turned to MrsN and asked her if she was ready for tomorrow night. She said no but let's go for it anyway. We understand you are friends with the busy bees so we are looking forward to sharing a drink with you tomorrow night smile :)
Warming the Bed
Quote by blindfoldedwife
Hi C&N
We too were first timers a little while back, and the best way i can describe going to your first meet and greet is as if you were going to a pub to meet some people for a drink and a laugh, cause thats exactly what it is.
Its not a play event, its a public bar where we all just act normal like normal people would and have a good time and laugh.
Hope that puts you at ease,
Simone and James

I'm the opposite, I feel more comfortable in a play event than a social meet and greet lol
Warming the Bed
Quote by captain_hook
Hi C&N
We too were first timers a little while back, and the best way i can describe going to your first meet and greet is as if you were going to a pub to meet some people for a drink and a laugh, cause thats exactly what it is.
Its not a play event, its a public bar where we all just act normal like normal people would and have a good time and laugh.
Hope that puts you at ease,
Simone and James

I'm the opposite, I feel more comfortable in a play event than a social meet and greet lol
guess we wont be seeing you then ,...... funcouplesa
Warming the Bed
I thought about it but you're correct. me + 'strangers' in a social setting = overwhelmed captain
Could somebody please pass my apologies to Riverwench, I said I would get there tonight & I have only just gotten back from a call out at work...........its a 2 hour drive plus geting ready time, im just not going to have time to make it.... Thanks smile
Woo hoo smile We went, we got over our nerves and we had a great time. Thanks all ... C&N
I had a great night too, wish I didn't have to call it a night so early however. Enjoyed meeting everyone I had a chance to speak to, hope to see you all at the next one.
Quote by CaN
Woo hoo smile
We went, we got over our nerves and we had a great time.
Thanks all ... C&N

We had an absolute blast, thanks to some very very specail people, hope to catch up with you all again very soon. Great venue, great band, terrific rooms, a night to remeber. Thanks to funcpleSA for organising the event.
Baz and Jene.
We had another fantastic night and another memorable event. Thank you to FunCoupleSA for organising the event. It was good to see the new people have the courage to attend. Looking forward to the next one with our deck of cards again smile
Had a great night thanks for making me feel welcome, looking forward to the next one wink
Warming the Bed
Gotta come next time
Warming the Bed
Hi we attended on the second but wasn't sure who to speak to, maybe we got there late and didn't see the table with pink an blue balloons. We still had a good fun night and will go to the next one as well, but hopefully we will be better organised and maybe even get to meet some people, lol. We have now upgraded our account and joined the site so with being able to talk to people on here we should have more luck with meeting people.