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sex with married guys

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yep knew it. the twomoral police have been able to express their ridiculous jalapenos quote again. guess what, the Bellamy Brothers were a little wrong then and are a lot wrong now. I don't judge you and I certainly would not be prepared to allow someone such as yourself to judge me. Married guys, by necessity are more discreet and also safe in that they aren't going to hang around like love sick puppies. Guess what else? They don't have to dangle their partners out there to get laid either.
Quote by Mark_1960
yep knew it. the twomoral police have been able to express their ridiculous jalapenos quote again. guess what, the Bellamy Brothers were a little wrong then and are a lot wrong now. I don't judge you and I certainly would not be prepared to allow someone such as yourself to judge me. Married guys, by necessity are more discreet and also safe in that they aren't going to hang around like love sick puppies. Guess what else? They don't have to dangle their partners out there to get laid either.

ummm not judging me??? get real. reread what you wrote. you judge what i like , you judge my moral values and you judge my life by saying i hang my partener out to get laid. if you read my reply it says you have in your profile your cheating so you were being honest. where did i say a thing about your tastes ? i didnt bring your partener into this duscussion so why do you feel you have to bring mine into it? to me you are also running down every woman on this site by insinuating that because they are part of a couple they are just a piece of meat to be traded for sexual favours.
if you dont like my morals tuff.
didn't mention your morals, didn't mention YOUR partner specifically and only chose to comment regarding your obviously dubious choice in musical taste. If you don't like my dislike of the Bellamy Brothers............... tuff (to paraphrase something I read)
Quote by Mark_1960
yep knew it. the twomoral police have been able to express their ridiculous jalapenos quote again. guess what, the Bellamy Brothers were a little wrong then and are a lot wrong now. I don't judge you and I certainly would not be prepared to allow someone such as yourself to judge me. Married guys, by necessity are more discreet and also safe in that they aren't going to hang around like love sick puppies. Guess what else? They don't have to dangle their partners out there to get laid either.

This could easily by interpreted as judging, and therefore hypocritical, even if it wasn't intended that way. The jalapenos quote?ridiculous, that sounds pretty judgemental to me. Married guys more discreet? again comes across as fairly judgemental, or has someone conducted a recent market research study?:grin: And the thing about partners being dangled, well :taz: is the logical response to that.
The only moral I see being discussed is honesty, honesty between partners and honesty between playmates. Some people may be turned on by extra-marital sex without partners OK, others are turned off by the same. It's a personal choice isn't it? and that's what this site and lifestyle is about, isn't it? Personal choice.
Better for us all if nobody judges anyone on this site, it takes all types, that's what keeps it fresh and makes it so interesting.
Quote by Mark_1960
yep knew it. the twomoral police have been able to express their ridiculous jalapenos quote again. guess what, the Bellamy Brothers were a little wrong then and are a lot wrong now. I don't judge you and I certainly would not be prepared to allow someone such as yourself to judge me. Married guys, by necessity are more discreet and also safe in that they aren't going to hang around like love sick puppies. Guess what else? They don't have to dangle their partners out there to get laid either.

We do note that whilst most people here have been expressing their opinions on the ethics of cheating in a general sense and not targeting negative comments at any individuals in particular, you seem to be singling people out to insult them directly. Playing the man and not the ball, as it were. Surely that would be against the AUP here? Maybe you could help bring things back on track by enlightening us as to why you think it's ok to cheat on your partner.
don't like when someone bites back eh? rotflmao
Quote by Mark_1960
don't like when someone bites back eh?

Actually, we quite enjoy a bit of verbal jousting. wink
But we would rather see this place be a home to frank and passionate discussion on topics without it being lowered to personal attacks.
So, as previously stated - we would be interested to hear why you think cheating on your partner is ok.
as far as I can see I do not have to justify my actions to anyone, let alone some self appointed moralpolice who use other people's forums for their own purposes. A veral jousting is good, but only when I am having it with someone of similar or better intellect, otherwise it is just yawn
Quote by Mark_1960
as far as I can see I do not have to justify my actions to anyone, let alone some self appointed moralpolice who use other people's forums for their own purposes. A veral jousting is good, but only when I am having it with someone of similar or better intellect, otherwise it is just yawn

Ah, that's why you're enjoying this so much. Nice to know. lol
But if you don't want to engage in any reasonable discussion and instead only make personal attacks, then fine, you can talk to yourself. We won't waste any more of our time with you. Good luck to you. And good luck to your wife too.
hahahahahahaha lmao stylishly good bye fare well adieu bon voyage..................
the heading of this post is sex with married guys. this shows a reason why not to go with them.
can't let a lack of style drongo have the last word
then this is why I'm posting this after yours then
hilarious smile the I stopped reading the profile...........
Quote by Haidee
then this is why I'm posting this after yours then

lol haidee you rule worship:worship::worship:
yeah it sure does twomorals.........
Let's hope the cheating males get caught ... and the wives decide to take them for 75% of all their wealth ... that might teach them to be honest! wink
Quote by Haidee
then this is why I'm posting this after yours then

Quote by jazz_10
Let's hope the cheating males get caught ... and the wives decide to take them for 75% of all their wealth ... that might teach them to be honest! wink

then there would be no married men on here lol problem solved
Our standing on the whole "sex with married guys" issue is that if they are willing to cheat on their partner, what doe that say about their character (selfish, con artist etc.). To all the really intelligent cheaters, sorry if we don't measure up intellectually. :confused2: I guess you really do have to be pretty intelligent to maintain those lies (honey I am only heading down to the shops and will be back in a couples of hours). When a guy finally gets caught (yes it is only a matter of time) out by his partner, how smart will he feel after she has taken you for pretty much everything. The Bays
hahahahahaha abso=fucking-lutely hilarious.............thanks for making my day smile
yep he knows he has nothing, looks like a one armed man trying to swim.
hey......if you have twohalfwits does that make them a full wit or just to idiots?
don't worry..........I just makes them twohalfwits
Mark_1960... I am sure you are only on here just to stir the pot and probably think it is amusing that you get a rise out of us. Maybe you are just looking for attention or just venting because you are frustrated and not having much luck on this site, but whatever the reason, perhaps it needs to stop before the mods get involved. The mods may not be the moral police but they do police this site. Your comment regarding married guys "They don't have to dangle their partners out there to get laid either"; only tells me you really don't understand the whole concept of swinging and why would you? I can honestly say getting laid with my partner by my side has brought us closer together both emotionally and sexually. We will look back on this whole experience as the most rewarding, exciting journey we have ever had. The Bays
yep, and from a single woman point of view - reading this thread has made me so definately NOT want to meet this person, every post shows how insensitive and moronic he is - why would that attract ANYONE?
Haidee, I am sure he didn't mean to make faceless insults.
Probably needs to read the policy on Acceptable Behaviour particularly on the following clause:
Non Acceptable Behaviour.
•Abusive, aggressive, hateful or racist behaviour towards fellow members, Mods or Administration staff.
and the mods might want to check out - is it acceptable to call someone moronic? by the way Haidee I have standards - sorry you aren't up to scratch in regards to them. Nothing personal its just that you aren't quite up to them I am sure you will understand. I agree, have been having fun and perhaps I may now stop. But it has been fun. Thanks all. lmao