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No Shows to first meetings

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Dont you hate it when you chat with people online and by text work out a suitable time for coffee or drinks get ready put off other things then they dont show up and ignore your texts and calls. We had a coffee meet this morning but the couple we were meeting just didnt show, have heard nothing. You go through the "hope nothing has happened, to we have been stood up". Makes you think is it worth the hassle, but of course it is, for the no shows there are plenty of freinds made and some friends with benifits. Now who is out there mmmmm
Being a newbie, no shows really make us think twice. Our time is precious to us and we have children, so when we can meet, a lot of organisation has to go into. Was let down with a meet and greet organised last Friday. Couples say yes there coming then dissapear and don't contact you. Out of 8 couples, 1 couple showed, who were really nice. Going through the friends list now, as this isn't Facebook , and won't be adding friends anymore. If genuinely interested, send an email and pics and we'll send ours, No more time wasters for us!
Yep every adult site has them not just here , nothing worse that setting up a meet and ends up a non event where the other party dont show up , will not answer phone calls or give you a call to let you know whats going on Think they get off on setting up dates they will never turn up too Melbcpl01
Quote by Shazzie
Being a newbie, no shows really make us think twice. Our time is precious to us and we have children, so when we can meet, a lot of organisation has to go into. Was let down with a meet and greet organised last Friday. Couples say yes there coming then dissapear and don't contact you. Out of 8 couples, 1 couple showed, who were really nice. Going through the friends list now, as this isn't Facebook , and won't be adding friends anymore. If genuinely interested, send an email and pics and we'll send ours, No more time wasters for us!

Thats painfull Shazzie if we could have made it we would have, i can promise that when we catch up with you guys we will be there, if is firstly about making friends that you can enjoy having a laugh with then if theres a connection other things may happen.
I hope the couple that turned up were really nice and you had a good time anyway.
Keep in touch
Quote by melbcpl01
Yep every adult site has them not just here , nothing worse that setting up a meet and ends up a non event where the other party dont show up , will not answer phone calls or give you a call to let you know whats going on
Think they get off on setting up dates they will never turn up too

You know we did think that this is the second time that they have not turned up, the first time they were very appologetic and had a good excuse but i guess this time they arent answering texts. The sad thing is that we were concerned that somthing had happened to them but after a few attempts to contact them to make sure that they were ok we guessed that they were no shows. Well they missed out on meeting two great people.
Members should be completely aware there are people on sites like this and others who are there simply to play games and/or act out their fantasies, they have no intention of ever meeting but will go to great lengths to convince others they will. Its just a game to them and a challenge to see how convincing they can be and how far they can play the game in fooling others of their genuineness. Not much you can do about it as the advantage of been anonymous means you cannot find them or confront them in person, banning just means they can re-join under another name and start again or they can block you from making any annoying (to them) calls, text or messages asking for an explanation. Any abuse has no effect as they are expecting that, its all part of the game, seeing the reaction to their fun and knowing they are safe behind their keyboard. I guess there is no 100pct sure fire way of verifying how genuine a person is apart from personal reference from others who have met them - game players are very good at what they do so people have to be aware that maybe they have been caught up in somebody's game fantasy and until proven otherwise, don't get their hopes up too much and be prepared to be disappointed. Some gamers are very amateurish and are very easily detected, one "couple" was prepared to drive their truck from Melbourne to the Blue Mountains on Friday and meet us in their motel on Saturday night and all this was based on about 10 minutes of conversation and definitely there was no encouragement from me - of course, we may have missed out on the best Saturday night fun ever but... nobody should drive a truck all that distance to meet us, we are not worth the cost in petrol and it would have been cost-prohibitive so I had to decline their kind offer as a favour to them. innocent Another simpler explanation can be the hubby is on here with a real intention of meeting but his wife is not and when he has organised a date he informs his wife there is this great couple who want to meet up hoping that she will comply because arrangements have been made but to his surprise she is NOT interested and he is then put in the shame-faced position of telling the other couple his wife does not want to play after already telling the couple she was...cowards way out is to simply say nothing and hope you will go away.
Quote by bbinder
Members should be completely aware there are people on sites like this and others who are there simply to play games and/or act out their fantasies, they have no intention of ever meeting but will go to great lengths to convince others they will. Its just a game to them and a challenge to see how convincing they can be and how far they can play the game in fooling others of their genuineness. Not much you can do about it as the advantage of been anonymous means you cannot find them or confront them in person, banning just means they can re-join under another name and start again or they can block you from making any annoying (to them) calls, text or messages asking for an explanation. Any abuse has no effect as they are expecting that, its all part of the game, seeing the reaction to their fun and knowing they are safe behind their keyboard.
I guess there is no 100pct sure fire way of verifying how genuine a person is apart from personal reference from others who have met them - game players are very good at what they do so people have to be aware that maybe they have been caught up in somebody's game fantasy and until proven otherwise, don't get their hopes up too much and be prepared to be disappointed.
Some gamers are very amateurish and are very easily detected, one "couple" was prepared to drive their truck from Melbourne to the Blue Mountains on Friday and meet us in their motel on Saturday night and all this was based on about 10 minutes of conversation and definitely there was no encouragement from me - of course, we may have missed out on the best Saturday night fun ever but... nobody should drive a truck all that distance to meet us, we are not worth the cost in petrol and it would have been cost-prohibitive so I had to decline their kind offer as a favour to them. innocent
Another simpler explanation can be the hubby is on here with a real intention of meeting but his wife is not and when he has organised a date he informs his wife there is this great couple who want to meet up hoping that she will comply because arrangements have been made but to his surprise she is NOT interested and he is then put in the shame-faced position of telling the other couple his wife does not want to play after already telling the couple she was...cowards way out is to simply say nothing and hope you will go away.

Great insight into what may have occured. It is sad when you have to become hard nosed about just meeting people, we are glad that we had agreed to meet close to us and not miles away. Still we had a great brunch and the cafe had plenty of nice people to perv on so we had a nice time anyway.
Quote by bbinder
Members should be completely aware there are people on sites like this and others who are there simply to play games and/or act out their fantasies, they have no intention of ever meeting but will go to great lengths to convince others they will. Its just a game to them and a challenge to see how convincing they can be and how far they can play the game in fooling others of their genuineness. Not much you can do about it as the advantage of been anonymous means you cannot find them or confront them in person, banning just means they can re-join under another name and start again or they can block you from making any annoying (to them) calls, text or messages asking for an explanation. Any abuse has no effect as they are expecting that, its all part of the game, seeing the reaction to their fun and knowing they are safe behind their keyboard.
I guess there is no 100pct sure fire way of verifying how genuine a person is apart from personal reference from others who have met them - game players are very good at what they do so people have to be aware that maybe they have been caught up in somebody's game fantasy and until proven otherwise, don't get their hopes up too much and be prepared to be disappointed.
Some gamers are very amateurish and are very easily detected, one "couple" was prepared to drive their truck from Melbourne to the Blue Mountains on Friday and meet us in their motel on Saturday night and all this was based on about 10 minutes of conversation and definitely there was no encouragement from me - of course, we may have missed out on the best Saturday night fun ever but... nobody should drive a truck all that distance to meet us, we are not worth the cost in petrol and it would have been cost-prohibitive so I had to decline their kind offer as a favour to them. innocent
Another simpler explanation can be the hubby is on here with a real intention of meeting but his wife is not and when he has organised a date he informs his wife there is this great couple who want to meet up hoping that she will comply because arrangements have been made but to his surprise she is NOT interested and he is then put in the shame-faced position of telling the other couple his wife does not want to play after already telling the couple she was...cowards way out is to simply say nothing and hope you will go away.

Great insight into what may have occured. It is sad when you have to become hard nosed about just meeting people, we are glad that we had agreed to meet close to us and not miles away. Still we had a great brunch and the cafe had plenty of nice people to perv on so we had a nice time anyway.
my theory (and, hey, grain of salt smile ) is that there are a lot of solo, married guys/girls here. They have no intention of 'cheating' on their spouse. They come on here, flirt, chat, make arrangements to meet and don't show. Why? Because they won't 'cheat' on their loved one *rolleyes* But they still want to 'score.' By getting someone to agree to a meet, they have scored, they are attractive, and someone else wants them. Win=win for them. But they leave the person on the other end wondering what the hell happened. And before I get blamed for solo guy basihing, it isn't just the guys. Women do it too, so I've heard. But I can only go by my experience, and since I'm straight, I haven't tried to meet up with other women. My best advice is the hang out int he chtroom closest to your location, make some friends and get recommendations. Blind meeting can be fun. These days, when I set up a meet, it's at McDonals, Hungry Jack's, KFC and the like. That way, if they don't show - fine. I will get dinner and go home :)
Master of Sex
shrep is a wonderful tool some times
Quote by kazandmick
shrep is a wonderful tool some times

Although Shrep is great it does allow the user to delete any negative comments you may leave.
Master of Sex
i never knew that hun banghead seems a bit silly then
Simple...speak to both........does not stop no shows....but helps lol
Master of Sex
always a hard one talk longer make sure everything "feels right" before asking to meet more like inevitable than pushed to the fore. we have met many hundreds of people from meetngreet to private meets to clubs and the close rate is about 4% these are totally compatible on the same page great swinging experiences
Warming the Bed
There's a lot to be said for the club party environment.
Warming the Bed
our Mottos with " No shows" with no reasonably acceptable reason ,,,,,,,,One strike and you're out.... no exceptions PJ
Quote by MeandMrsPJ
our Mottos with " No shows" with no reasonably acceptable reason ,,,,,,,,One strike and you're out.... no exceptions

Sounds like a plan
as far as I'm concerned, there is no reasonable excuse for a no show. Call me beforehand and cancel - even if it's a couple of minutes, or wihtin the half hour of the meet or do't bother contacting me again.
Quote by bbinder
Members should be completely aware there are people on sites like this and others who are there simply to play games and/or act out their fantasies, they have no intention of ever meeting but will go to great lengths to convince others they will. Its just a game to them and a challenge to see how convincing they can be and how far they can play the game in fooling others of their genuineness. Not much you can do about it as the advantage of been anonymous means you cannot find them or confront them in person, banning just means they can re-join under another name and start again or they can block you from making any annoying (to them) calls, text or messages asking for an explanation. Any abuse has no effect as they are expecting that, its all part of the game, seeing the reaction to their fun and knowing they are safe behind their keyboard.
I guess there is no 100pct sure fire way of verifying how genuine a person is apart from personal reference from others who have met them - game players are very good at what they do so people have to be aware that maybe they have been caught up in somebody's game fantasy and until proven otherwise, don't get their hopes up too much and be prepared to be disappointed.
Some gamers are very amateurish and are very easily detected, one "couple" was prepared to drive their truck from Melbourne to the Blue Mountains on Friday and meet us in their motel on Saturday night and all this was based on about 10 minutes of conversation and definitely there was no encouragement from me - of course, we may have missed out on the best Saturday night fun ever but... nobody should drive a truck all that distance to meet us, we are not worth the cost in petrol and it would have been cost-prohibitive so I had to decline their kind offer as a favour to them. innocent
Another simpler explanation can be the hubby is on here with a real intention of meeting but his wife is not and when he has organised a date he informs his wife there is this great couple who want to meet up hoping that she will comply because arrangements have been made but to his surprise she is NOT interested and he is then put in the shame-faced position of telling the other couple his wife does not want to play after already telling the couple she was...cowards way out is to simply say nothing and hope you will go away.

You are absolutely right. One way of heading off the last scenerio of the male making the date in the hope the female will join in but she doesn't, we always speak to people on the phone and ask specifically to talk to the female to make sure she is into it.