Read below carefully and respond accordingly or dont bother.
I only get to reply to 3 of your messages so don't waste your's = I do not do (removed) or any other platform.
Hi, I seek to provide discreet safe additional fun and pleasure without drama for like minded people -single-couple-group. I do "prefer to bottom" 4 m/m, Am available various times - morning / evenings for meetups
For me it is about the physical enjoyment, so seek to make frieinds with benifits and nsa fun, not destroy others relationships.
To prevent wasting messages if you send me a message, please state what play you are looking for and This site allows for you to be explicit in your responses and I won't be offended so be honest, include times that would be suitable if we decide to meetup. Also allow access to albums, so I can respond my excitment and questions promptly. I lookforward to being your pleasure!!!