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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 81
Straight Female, 80
0 km · Victoria


We have had but the one threesome which was highly successful, 6 hours of good sex, good food, good wine and good company in a 5-star in Sydney. It worked because we took our time to find the right man, a chap of 59, no domestic complications, very presentable, well educated, well spoken with a range of interests that included horse racing and directorship of a theatre company (both of which we love). We have an incredibly active sex life, making love pretty much every day, sometimes twice a day. So we do not approach the involvement of another man from a perspective of sexual deprivation, rather one of sexual adventure, extending our boundaries, testing our limits. If we find the right man, he will not be disappointed. If we don't find the right man we won't lose sleep. Camille is a strikingly beautiful woman with a lovely body. She paints, reads, goes to theatre, does life drawing, gardens, cooks. I have in print a book of 1200 erotic sonnets and have just completed my first play, based on a woman' sex life. I also do a couple of hours of digital photography each day, including now 2,000 shots of Camille, mostly of her body. We will email a set of shots to the right man. We have wide tastes in music. At last count we had seen 24 musicals on stage, some of them twice : in Oz, on the West End, on Broadway. We are widely travelled. In retirement from 20 years of senior management each, we lead a great life and would invite the right man to join in our life, for the company and of course the sex. Ours is an interesting life and we would enjoy sharing - with the right man. If all you want is a quick fuck, we are not for you. If you are prepared to be patient and to get to know us electronically first, you might be our man. You will know if you meet our criteria. You will probably be in the 55-65 age range. An atmosphere of decadent enjoyment would be nice. The idea is for Camille to explore, express and enjoy her sexuality. Everything else would be secondary but still involve a lot of fun and good fellowship. Non smoker, please. Fit, not overweight, urbane, sophisticated... all of those things. John & Camille


Erotic writing
Straight sex


Age: 18 - 100
Distance: 150 km