Hey.. now there's an awesome response.. :-)
I was hoping the same would happen if i was to try it one day.. might actually have to soon :-)
Hey, sorry dude.. I obviously didn't reply to your mail when I thought I had.
Have now :-)
So.. what would you do if you saw someone bending over and a nice string popped out..?
Hey all,
General question.. opinions, comments etc more than welcome.
What would you do if..
1). You saw a guy, say at the supermarket bend over and a slight bit of a lace g-string flahed
2). You were at the shopping centre and noticed a guy wearing female tight-ish jeans but not too obvious.
2)a).upon closer inspection you saw that guy was also wearing female shoes, discreet ones, say flats..
I can't host buy boy that sounds fun!!
hmm..sounds fun, cant tonight, possibly sunday afternoon....
Dam.. why so far away from me too.. surely someone else in adelaide must be into this :-)