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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 44
0 km · South Australia


Hey.. now there's an awesome response.. :-) I was hoping the same would happen if i was to try it one day.. might actually have to soon :-)
Hey, sorry dude.. I obviously didn't reply to your mail when I thought I had. Have now :-) So.. what would you do if you saw someone bending over and a nice string popped out..?
Hey all, General question.. opinions, comments etc more than welcome. What would you do if.. 1). You saw a guy, say at the supermarket bend over and a slight bit of a lace g-string flahed 2). You were at the shopping centre and noticed a guy wearing female tight-ish jeans but not too obvious. 2)a).upon closer inspection you saw that guy was also wearing female shoes, discreet ones, say flats..
Dam.. why so far away from me too.. surely someone else in adelaide must be into this :-)