Apologies, we are no longer paid members, (and have been for some time now), so have very limited access to this site. Please be patient and PLEASE read our requirements below before penning a message to us. For ease of access and unrestricted communication, you may want to (and you are most welcome to), provide us with an email address or whatever is easier for you in your messages to us to get things going. Can kickthings off being a funky brissy (one word) couple but on occasion we do travel and frequent Sydney a few times a year.
If you don't have photos please don't bother. If you have photos in private albums with no profile picture dont bother either as we cant access those either. We have taken the time and put ourselves out on a limb to add photos to our profile for your viewing pleasure so we expect the same courtesy. With regards to DICK pics, please do not bother sending any unless we get some body shots to go with it (not expecting face pics straight up).
Hi, we are a down-to-earth interracial professional couple in search of excitement and sexual bliss beyond the norm. We have a busy schedule with work, travel, and family, so we value our limited spare time so no time wasters please!
Far from being glamorous supermodels, we are clean, neat and well presented and we expect the same from play partners. Mrs loves *fit looking* *reasonably endowed* men of *similar age* who know how to use what he’s packing. Mr has a penchant for curvy women but not essential - its the personality that makes or breaks the attraction. Personality wise, we are after genuine, playful, non-pretentious, easy-going couples, men and women.
-we have anything in common
-sound like you fit the bill
-we interest you
Shoot us a message and lets get chatting
We most certainly DO NOT consent to the use of our information, photos, videos and/or any other media or content contained herein for the purposes of study nor for reproduction on another forum/website without our expressed permission.