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Affraid of getting STD!!

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Forum Virgin
Is it safe having foursome? Can you past HIV to another person even your wearing protection? smile
Warming the Bed
PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS!!! HIV is passed on through the transmission of bodily fluids. Bodily fluids such as blood, semen and (on rare occasions) vaginal fluids. Having unprotected sex is the best way for a woman to catch HIV or any other STD from a man carrying such a disease. Men have a lesser risk of catching HIV from women (but can still catch it), unless they are uncircumcised. Oral sex carries less risk than vaginal or anal sex. Unprotected anal sex carries the highest risk of any sexual act for contracting any STD. Hep C is much the same in contageousness as HIV. There are plenty of other nasty STD's aswell, but if caught early (with the exception of Herpes) can be treated successfully. The best way to prevent contracting HIV or any other STD is by using a condom (and pray the fucking thing doesn't break!!!). You could also make sure all sexual partners are disease free and have fun with the same clean people. To ensure your sexual partners are disease free you have to get to know them well and trust they will not have unprotected sex with people they don't know are clean. Then all people in the group have a blood test straight away (if you have not already had one), use condoms in the mean time, then wait for at least three months and have another blood test. All people should have copies of blood test results and If the coast is clear after this for everyone then the only thing you have to worry about is unwanted pregnancy (unless your using birth control). New people would have to follow the same steps also and obviously they would have to use condoms until the all clear (if they're worth waiting for ;)) In any case (especially if something strange or painful is happening with your nethers)ask your doctor(don't be embarrised, he/she wont tell anyone!). Your doctor may also be able to give you additional advice.
Forum Virgin
Thanks for the info!!!
Warming the Bed
Thanks for the info!!!
Very glad to have been some help. I saw another posting though, saying that saliva and skin could also be susceptible to infection. If the skin is unbroken (with the exception of Herpes). I think this may be inaccurate. Keep in mind though if there has been any anal penitration and infected semen comes into contact with this region, contracting HIV will almost me inevitable (because the skin is broken during anal sex). Saliva could really only spread HEP A and HEP B (which is why I got vaccinated and so should you).
But I am no expert, ask your doctor to be sure.
I hope you have a safe and fulfilling sex life.
Also if you're ever down my way look us up. :laugh:
But seriously I might be fun!