Hi all,
My wife is having some back pain so I am looking to give her a treat, a sensual full body massage. Guys and girls, please let me know if you can help out, thanks!
I'd love to give her a massage, but my arms don't reach that far.
Hey Tony,
I can help out if you like.
PM if your interested.
hey I am in syd next tues if that's any help
Hi there tony do
Iama handy man with nice string hand and a gentle touch Iam pretty good at massages and would live to help out
Iam only local so message me bag if you like what u see
The handy man
I have a fold up massage table. Let me show your wife how it works ;)
Thanks for all your replies. This may be disappointing but please don't expect any more than a massage. Thanks again!
Hey Guys,
27 yr old qualified masseuse here! Would love to be of service!
Let me know if you're interested. Have sent through an invite to my album.
Your profile states you are a male - ???
Qualified what?