As a regular forum reader I see a lot of people posting about a month before they go on a cruise, looking to see if there is any other swingers going on their particular boat & if they would like to catch up. That list includes us.
The typical answer is, we are going on such n such a boat the week after the week before the next month or any number of boats bar the one you are on & they all want to know if anyone else will be on their boat.
So we were wondering what peoples thoughts were for a semi organised group booking for a cruise.
What we were thinking was a nine to eleven day cruise around October 2017 more than likely around the south pacific Islands.
Why so far away.
A lot of people already have cruises booked for next year, some people like us need to apply for leave twelve months in advance to be assured of getting the time off & some people might like that much time to save up for it or pay it off.
If there are members that want to go earlier they could organise it & use the same process.
How it will work.
Step 1.
After much discussion a destination a date & a boat will be agreed on.
Group chooses a travel agent so we can group book the cruise.
You supply us with your details & we forward them to the travel agent or you can do that yourself, but please let them know you are with our group & then let us know you have booked as part of our group.
You will need to select the room that you want to stay in, I don’t think there is a need for us all to be in the one area but if you want to that is up to you.
It is also up to you to organise the payment of the deposit & final payments, we will have nothing to do with handling money.
We will start a closed Face book group that you can join once you have paid your deposit so everyone can chat & get to know their cruise buddies.
Once you have made your final payment we will organise something like a special coloured lanyard or badge to send to you so we can find people who are in our group on the boat.
There will be a meet & greet on the top deck on either the first or second day so we can all get together for a chat and get to know each other in the real world.
Have a great time.
ONE THING YOU MUST REMEMBER. There is NO GUARRANTEE that there will be people in the group that want to play with you or that you will want to play with. Nobody is under any obligation to play with anyone.
If you are interested you can reply here or contact us Empty_Nest_Cpl or Lookin4