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ANZAC Dawn BJ Service

If your looking for a hard cock to blow first thing on ANZAC morning then PM me. Joey.
Wow, not cool at all. Show some respect!
Not cool at all!
This is a new low,show some respect.
Looks like someone has forgotten about the sacrifice other's have made on their behalf! Some one once said that god created man with a penis and a brain but only enough blood to operate one at a time. I don't think the brain is doing much thinking for this bloke!
uumm folks.. No Offense to the members here... BUT you all telling me, you dont want sex???? on even ANZAC day??? Or are you assuming he means at a Anzac service???? Cause the way i read it, he just wants to be woken at Dawn.. to get a BJ
Maybe he does just want a blow job but was trying to be cute with a play on words linking it with ANZAC Dawn Service. Some themes should just be left alone.
and some shouldn't assume, he meant disrespect.... I think what should of been asked was,did he mean a dawn service or what??? Remember its easy to see it differently in words, as you cant see a face. And before anyone thinks Im being disrespectful, Im not. I have a huge story i could tell... with my great grandfather.... From WW1 - well its huge in my families eyes, smile So no attacking, remember it is a day to remember :)
Regardless of whether he meant disrespect or not I have taken offense. I think anyone with half a brain should know not to reference sexual activities and ANZAC day In the same sentence. The rose - yes I am sure most people want sex regardless of the day, but it can be done a lot more tastefully than how to OP went about it. Anyways, if it was an honest mistake then it would be nice to see zippz clear things up. Lest we forget
Not Cool at All.
Quote by pussylovers
Regardless of whether he meant disrespect or not I have taken offense.
I think anyone with half a brain should know not to reference sexual activities and ANZAC day In the same sentence.
The rose - yes I am sure most people want sex regardless of the day, but it can be done a lot more tastefully than how to OP went about it.
Anyways, if it was an honest mistake then it would be nice to see zippz clear things up.
Lest we forget

considering we are sitting on a *Adult* site on ANZAC day.....uummm yeh.....
IT will be up to the OP.... as you put it to clear things up...
But i would prefer, not to see attacking from members.. smile *not that i have seen that yet* Before they have the chance to explain..
Rose, let me applaud you for being the first to stand up and show some common sense, let me be the second. the rest of you need to get the fuck over yourselves just a little bit eh ? As an ex serviceman myself, I wholeheartedly defend every persons right to observe the solomn occasion that is out most revered day IN ANY WAY THEY SEE FIT.. and let me tell you, from a soldiers point of view, the idea of getting blown at dawn, then off to a march with my old squaddies is fucking top notch.. followed of course by a pub breakfast and hopefully another blowie when we got back home. how DARE you all presume to tell anyone how to remember, observe and respect. or indeed that they HAVE to celebrate this day, show some fucking tolerance. Yes, thats right, Im a former rifleman, and I would never foece anyone to celebrate my holy day if it didnt fit thier beliefs.. anyone every heard of pacifists or contientious objectors ??? FAAAAAARRKK.. Ok.. my rant is done.
+1 Spyke
Go Spyke!
Here here Pussylovers, njoyfun, needachange & popeye, good to see some people have some common decency left. Me thinks 2 apologgies are due, 1 from rose who should know better and have more respect for the sacredness of the day and another from the poster, at least to explain that there was no disrespect intended. This is not acceptable from anyone who is Australian, and yes it is quite possibly a genuine mistake but atleast be man enough to admit a stuff up. Aside from this fact, a majority of the posts in this forum find it an insult or offensive, damn sure if I was ofensive or insulting in the chat I would be removed ASAP and receive a ban for breaking the rules, surely this is also breaking the rules as it has caused offence to several people. I have resigned as mod over this and am gravely disappointed as I thought the issue would have been dealt with in a better manner. Grumpy
Grumpy, Thankyou for your encouragement and understanding. It some ways the Forum is alive and well when there are differences of opinion. However the dissapoinment is not just the perception left in some readers minds about the original post but that you have felt the need to resign as a mod. I hope you have been thanked for what you have done for the site for without sensible people like yourself monitoring all aspects of the site it would not be an enjoyable place to come.
Well put Grumpy, I think the wrong mod resigned over this
Disrespectful ... ANZAC Dawn Service BJ he new exactly what he was saying and how he ment it..
Exactly HOW was this breaking any rules ? granted that some have found this to be offensive, it was not directed TO anyone, it wasnt being deliberately inflamatory, and its not alluding to any or illegal sexual activity, all the guy wanted was a freaking gobby.. By following the logic of Grumpy and others of his ilk, could I expect an uproarious backlash from the christians on this site if I advertised for a Christmas morning bumfuck or even a good friday gobby ? So you found it offensive, SO EFFING WHAT.. you dont HAVE to read this part of the forum boards, or comment thereupon FFS. theres probably millions of suggestions, acts and lifestyles found within these pages that I find offensive, disgusting and reprehensible, but hey, I wouldnt dare suggest that people stop talking about them or indulging in them, much less stop advertising for willing partners. Each to their own for petes sake, if my serving ancestors fought and died for anything, it would HAVE to be the freedom we enjoy to live as we choose and decide as we choose. Oh, and Grumpy, if you're thin skinned and narrow minded enough to resign over this, maybe its better that you arent a mod after all. :P I mean DUDE, really.. Fully expects to be banned or reprimanded over this, I know I prolly went overboard, but you wowsers REALLY piss me off.
Quote by Spyke
Exactly HOW was this breaking any rules ?
Each to their own for petes sake, if my serving ancestors fought and died for anything, it would HAVE to be the freedom we enjoy to live as we choose and decide as we choose.

Think you forgot freedom of opinion and speech Spyke...
I dont think I forgot it.. I was just exercising my own, apparently this is whats called 'healthy political discourse' lol.. sounds like a good old fashioned bitch sesh to me.. lol
Now this matter... grumpy, Im not saying sorry for what???? Considering what as been left here....I asked a simple question, as well as stated, how was it disrespectful??? Its not breaking the rules in any form, and considering..... I have seen worse messages posted, ON other important days.... Because i choose not to be offended. considering X members and this includes you, being an x service man Grumpy.. was sitting on the site, ON that Day.... .. There is nothing in the rules OR AUP..... that they broke.... I know Many service and X service, who would be going WTF.... And considering only one who as replied, besides grumpy. No rules was broken. No disrespect was given.... Frankstoncpl.... Please dont make it sound like grumpy was fired, he choose his own line to leave. And as he hadnt announced to to any mod he was leaving. I can tell you right now, He has my best wishes in this and what ever de does....Oh and if you have a problem with how this was handled. PLEASE take it to admin. Or bring it to me personally. smile
Let me reiterate No site rules were broken. Many things offend others morally on here but it is an adult site and these things do and will happen. We cannot act unless a site rule is broken and if we acted on everything that was offensive this site would soon be all rules and no fun. We appreciate each and every opinion in this thread, and you are free to have your opinions until you start directly attacking another, it is then that we have to step in and do our jobs. Rose is not the only mod who did not have a problem with this post, morally, yes, I see how it can be incredibly insulting to some people, but I also wholeheartedly agree with Spyke. This posting did not break any site rules so it was not removed or locked earlier. Over other public holidays we have had others who have posted up things to do with them and others get offended by them as well. Our personal thoughts and feelings sometimes need to be put aside so we can do our job properly. Part of doing that job properly is not exhibiting any bias towards anyone. If a site rule is broken we will act within our guidelines as a moderator and that is basically it. What we think personally should have no bearing on our ability to do our job well. The site rules are clearly displayed on site, if you find a post offensive and thinks it breaks site rules please contact a Moderator or Admin directly so we can check it out. Please understand its not a direct attack or disrespect towards you or any groups if we cannot do anything about it. This thread is now being locked smile