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Do you think you can 'spot' a swinger?

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I've wondered for a long time, I think I can, just wondering if others have had the same experience. Do you think you can tell from just looking or talking to people whether they are more sexually comfortable than others??
Forum Virgin
I think i can... fairly well...
how do you reckon you know Bullboy? is it people's confidence? the fact they seem comfortable in their own skin, or a deeper sense of wanting more out of life than just monogamy, children, retirement? Are most swingers a little left of centre, ie, alternative, or do they enjoy appearing 'straight' and love the fact that they have an alter ego that swings. . .
Forum Virgin
I have no idea what a swinger looks like and dont feel you can tell. Maybe its time for a international badge so we can at least save years on web sites tryig to find couple/singles.. Maybe a beaver badge!!!
It would take one open mind to spot another, but honestly, my normal attitude makes it pretty hard to tell. I used to run a business and a dude came in one time as a customer - and DAMN! I recognized him from the parties! LOL We both had a chuckle, but otherwise would have never known!
Warming the Bed
I don't think you can tell. When I first started to go to swing parties I had this illusion that there would be lots of old men with big rain coats. Nothing like it at all, in fact the people who attended were from all walks and professions of life. You see any of them in the street and you would not know unless you had previously met them.