didnt think links were allowed here
only if they get seen lol
these could be fun lol undies that send touches between each other could be hilarious
Its gonna save the embarrassment of pulling my phone outta my pants on the train
links are permitted as long as not linked to porn sites or porn. Movies- which is a copywrite issue or any illegal topics- Drugs, , family, underage, beastiality which are covered in the site AUP.
An interesting idea, however, part of the fun in foreplay is not just being touched, but also touching. Why settle for half the fun?
I think the message of starting foreplay at breakfast is a good one. Mind you, sometimes breakfast is straight after the last sexy time ;D
These might work for some couples, if they have the money, but I don't think it's my style of foreplay. I get way more turned on by sending and receiving pictures and texts.