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Afl footballers

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Forum Virgin
Anyone been lucky enough to score an AFL player or any other major sportsman and blow him or he blow you? If so tell us the juicy details!!!
Here's hoping the site gives a lifetime ban to anyone stupid enough to name someone like this in a public forum. And to the moron asking for the details, find some other way to get your kicks
Quote by frankstonbicpl
Here's hoping the site gives a lifetime ban to anyone stupid enough to name someone like this in a public forum.
And to the moron asking for the details, find some other way to get your kicks

:laughabove: Very well said mr f ... such an eloquent orator!!! :thumbup:
Forum Virgin
In what part of my message do I ask for any name? You two need to take English comprehension lessons!!!
No one said YOU asked for a name ..... all that was said is that your a complete tool for asking for details
Forum Virgin
Why? It's all part of sexual fantasising. Stop being so serious!!!
Warming the Bed
OP, most people one here have social problems so when someone asks a simple request like share a juicy story their tiny minds flip out because in their world (where everyone is stupider than them) it cannot be done in a adult way where descression & restraint are to be excersized. Poor buggers lol
No Cactus, in our world we joined a swingers site as a couple to meet other couples in real life. No need to feel sorry for us mate, we are not the ones who need sexual gratification by spreading stories about other peoples hook ups. By the way, your lline about people "stupider than them" ........... well, your spelling answers that one lol :lol: And if you did know what discretion meant, you would know that spreading these stories is just the opposite.
Quote by Cactus
OP, most people one here have social problems

Well if that is in fact your opinion, then why are you still on here???
And sportsmen are entitled to the same discretion just like everybody else.
Dnt agree sportsmen deserve same discretion especially afl