been a lot of talk about a sticker to identify doggers .how about a simple black round sticker,maybe about 3inches in diameter stuck on the thoughts on the idea? I will have one on my car tonight and see if anyone see's down at maslins beach. it would make things less of hit and miss.
Maybe it's just me but blac dot on windows at night ???????
it was suggested and i thought i would try it and see let you know.( i put it on a white a4page)
Well done Beavereater !!!
We think the sticker idea is Great !!!.
We have also thought about something similar, a coloured dot or something that is on the top left corner of your back window.
Would be easy then if you drive into a park and there is a car with a sticker.
You would know you could just pull up next to them, and know they would be happy with it. We know we would be.
We are going to try this, and put a white sticker dot about one inch round in the top left corner of our cars.
Would also love to hear other peoples thoughts.
The Blinds
the simple dot sticker placed top left rear window sounds a good idea
maybe light blue for men , ladies pink and couples white , light colours would be easy to see in darker areas and as for just black it would be to hard to see at night
I used a cd for the size and stuck it on a a4 it to the inside of the back window(tinted) and you could see it so this will idea about the one inch colours.I will try that and see how it more people do to
good idea but the small dot idea might not be that good as car sales use a dot sticker in their selling of cars, like white is for auctions and so forth, and many just get left behind,
lol that might make for some fun,but then again...... ,i think it will work
will remember that when in NSW. But this Adelaide and i think it will work just fine
i got some from cheap as chips today for $ a bit smaller but we'll see how they go. now i find myself checking every car need all doggers to get stickered up.
Must try this in Townsville!!!
Maybe the Mambo Dog logo sticker?
so how did this go is it working and have we decided on coulors im in NTH BRISSY
After reading a lot of things people making different things I asked Admin to help us out.
They were fantastic an have developed this which is true link below.
Thank you so much and this is the best idea as it is 100% unique and recognisable.
See link below.
Love your work, My_Hotwife!
I'd love one of those stickers and maybe a necklace for when we go out.
What a great idea. Frequent go to Pallarenda (Townsville) and don't know who's who in the zoo!
people just get swingersheaven sticker for ur car gee how hard was that i got on on my 4x4bac window top left
If you dont want anything permanate on your car you can just save the logo and print it yourself on a plain page of paper and place in on the rear window , the image is easy to save and print all with a couple ofminutes and its free