Hi everyone,
To break the normal routine I would like to start a serious discussion.
I would like to ask you all to tell me if you have heard of the Australian Sex Party?
Could you also inform me if you know/what you know of their views or even policies.
could members of the Australian Sex Party who are aware of thw parties policies and views please refrain from posting. I am looking to hear from the public or people who already support the party but aren't really sure of everything the party represents
I thought this question was pertinent with the up coming election.
Thank you
mmmm affairs oops wrong type
im not really into them as a party, i support the party, it covers my other interests
Mr Two
Thanks for the adjustment rose.
I understand completely why you might support another party mr two.
But are you aware of the Australian Sex Party and what they stand for?
I am not looking to push the party or "swing" votes. I would genuinely like to know what people are know or think of them
thier policies are very thin and they have no real direction, looks like they are seagulls fighting over the scraps
check thier website, its not real professional. just a platform that you type in what you want
hi peter
i dont think any less of anybody due to thier views. if we had better polies to vote for then we might show some interest, look what we have a wing nut and spladge the kangaroo. i got removed from parliament years ago, aparrently the people on the floor can hear the gallery.
all i said was this is like a heap of kindergerten kids. you did this im good, no i didnt your the naughty one , boo hoo, stop insulting each other and run the stuffing country idiots
they took offence to it
Mr two
The Australian Sex Party are to the left of the Greens, if that helps. God help us if they ever held the balance of power. They would destroy the economy. I'm all for more sex but I'm more concerned about about the economy.
I was actually doing some research on political groups in Australia.
There also suppose to be the lower petrol political group.
From my understanding each candidate pays $1000 dollars to be a candidate and once receive 5% or was it 15% or more votes receive there deposit back. After that per vote they receive like 1 or 2 dollars. I will admit this information isn't 100% correct but its around that.
you can find there policies on Pretty much sydney storm explains them well.
They don't actually have any real economy policies. Nor have they actually won a seat.