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New Melbourne Regular get together for Singles and couple ag

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Warming the Bed
Hi All, Well after having been on this site for some time and also having attended various functions, parties and meets, along with dissappointments of now shows etc, i have decided to take it upon myself to attempt to bring together a group of young, fun and like minded people who are wanting to explore the reasons they joined the lifestyle in the first place. What i am looking for is a group, a regular group who wants to meet once a month at a different location around Melbourne each time, to make new friends, to play and to become regular FB's. We will need enough of both sexes to make this work and make this happen so we need people who would be interested to register their interest. What we will then do is create an invite list so we have as close to equal numbers on both sides. We will arrange a venue and although the venue may change, the core people will not. This will be aimed towards a monthly meeting (more regularly if the demand is there). We all need to be within the same age bracket. This will also stop alot of trolling in the chat rooms i figure. I have identified a good location for the first meet and in reality, we can organise this as soon as we want subject to appropriate levels of interest. So i ask all the like minded people who would like the hassle taken away from the no show meetings and who are really interested in having some fun to send me a PM with your interest and details. Once we have created a list of equal numbers, i will respond to those people with details and options of dates etc and we will make this happen. I am dedicating a fair amount of time to making this happen and ask that anyone that does want to get involved to be real, serious about it. People please also dont send me a PM saying..."i'm interested send me details". It is simple, register your interest by sending me a PM with your details / a way of making contact with you once we have the list organised and we will be well on our way to making this happen. I look forward to this becoming a regular group of like minded people who get to know eachother, have a few to play with and explore. Lets make this happen together.
Warming the Bed
Hi All For many of you, you may have seen my post a few weeks back and thanks to all of those that replied. I am pleased to advise that the numbers are coming together really well. What i have tried to start here is a regular group meet with like minded people who are looking for a regular get together, with genuine people. I am glad we ventured down this path because it is really coming together. We are still looking for a couple of others to join us but please read this post before responding: You need to be or ideally should be * Single guys or girls or a couple * Wanting a set grouo of people to meet with regulalry at different locations around melb * Not looking for just the one off house party - but an ongoing get together where groups of people play * Ideally between the ages of mid 20's to 40 * Want to have fun, relax Please note that we will limit the ratio of guys / girls / couples so as to ensure that the group is well balanced, mixed and everyone can have as much or as little of a fun time as they choose. Send me a PM and i will respond. I am hoping that we can arrange our first meet in the coming days or weeks - its all about the final numbers. Just remember that the venue may change from meet to meet BUT the core people will not. Looking forward to hearing from you Diesel
Sounds like a great idear count us in and happy to help if need be. Mark & Tracy
Warming the Bed
Hi All Thanks to all those that have sent me PM's regarding my post. I think that i have responded to everyone directly that sent the PM's but if i have not, please resend and i will reply. We have had some excellent responses. If anyone else is intersted, it would be great to add a couple of extra couples and single ladies. We have confirmed interest from several already. Please re-read the post and if this excites you, send me a PM. Take care, have fun and play plenty Diesel
would be interested but hubby and i are older than 40.......
Warming the Bed
Good initiative Diesel. Fantastic idea. Hopefully will be a success. Im a single guy ready to jump into the deep end of the lifestyle. You only live once right? Count me in. The hardest part will be getting the ratio right. What kind of mix were you thinking. 1m/1f would be ideal, but not very likely. 2/1 or 3/1 wouldnt be too bad though. Keep us all updated on the progress. -M
Forum Virgin
Love to attend, but my fb and I are 42 and 43
Forum Virgin
we would love to become a part of something like this :twisted:
Warming the Bed
Could be interested in this, i'll let you know...
Warming the Bed
I all, just to let you know that i have sent a PM to all that have replied or added to the post, and to all that sent PM's to me. Thanks for the responses and i am looking forward to this being a success Take care
Forum Virgin
ya we fail 43,43 going on 29 lol, maybe you need a middle aged crew there as well ? Or half time all us oldies can get a run on the pitch ? but i think you will find that the big match will go into extended time! Please let us know , regards Tanya n Scotty
i would definitely be interested in joining a group like this, seems a lot of interest across the age range which is good for variety smile
Forum Virgin
I'm not meaning to be a smart arse, but there are 3 replies here that are 40+.....perhaps you three could get with diesel and set up something likewise. perhaps there could be a 20-40's group and a 30-50's you get a good mix of ages....then we can come play at both, heeheee.....