DIRECTING - What does it mean?
In the context of this site, directing means telling someone on cam what to do. This can be as simple as asking them to remove their top or as complex as reproducing a whole porn scene from a movie.
The main chat room in this site (The Pool) has a firm NO directing rule, this means you can not ask/tell another member on cam what to do, even if you are joking. Remember this isn't restricted to asking a member to remove their top, it includes asking them to stand up to see what they are wearing etc.
You can however,ask a question when they are not on cam, for example "are you going on cam tonight?"
When they are on cam and people ask them questions like, could you unbutton the top button from your shirt or show you tits please. This is not ok and is directing.
Where can I direct?
There is now a room set up dedicated to directing (The Directors Chair), this means you are allowed to direct members in that room. If you cam and do not like being directed then please don't use this room. The standard chat rules still apply in this room, just not the directing rule.
You can also create your own private room to be directed if you want, this can be public access or password protected for small intimate shows.
How do I ask someone if they like being directed?
Ask that person in whisper nicely, if told no then accept that answer without asking why or going on about it. Not everyone likes being directed. If the person does like being directed, then ask if they would like to change to the directing room. You do not have to leave the Beach Bar to cam or have fun, but if you want to be directed then we ask you do leave to stop other members from breaking the rules.
What do I do if I want to put on a show and be directed?
You can let everyone know in the room that you are about to put on a show and will take direction, let them know what room you will be in and once there let everyone that has joined know your rules about being directed if you have any. Please do not ask to be directed in a no directing room as it will cause yourself and the person/people directing you to be kicked and maybe banned from the chat.
The rules are set up so everyone can enjoy themselves. As the site grows in members, the rules will be enforced more often to ensure that everyone is enjoying themselves without the constant harassment of being directed
(Taken from the original post concerning the old chatroom - thanks to SarahAdmin)