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Eye Spy I

"Desire & Lust"

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Author's Notes

"A collection of experiences fashioned into fiction. Please enjoy."

Eye Spy I

Kathryn had driven over to the neighbouring farm pulling into the circular drive. At it’s centre a one hundred and twenty year old Ponderosa Pine Tree. Three considerable limbs branched off from the main trunk six feet above the ground reaching out forty feet on each limb. The trunk continued to rise splitting into two, loosely spiralling up into the canopy. A majestic tree that formed the centre piece of the garden. Separating the drive from the house was a thick hedge of purple Agapanthus, a wooden garden arch with a trained climbing rose provided access to the pathway that lead to the house. On either side of the archway stood a series of mature Poplar Trees, standing like sentinels to the rest of the garden that surrounded the house. It was a quintessential Cottage Garden Lisa had invested years of planning and care, it covered almost an acre of land. The dogs ran out to greet Kathryn, barking loudly with tails wagging, Lisa appeared under the arch and waved Kathryn over, the dogs excited by the visitor were happy to each have their sniff before returning to their beds on the veranda. Lisa invited Kathryn in for a cup of tea, they were the only two in the house both Lisa’s husband David and son Timothy were at work.

Lisa spoke about their move to the property eleven years ago, the property had been abandoned and the house in disrepair, they had renovated it from top to bottom, re-established the garden and improved the property. Kathryn surreptitiously guided Lisa in conversation about her son; he was twenty two, a tradesman, single for the time being having finished with a long distance relationship some twelve months ago. Kathryn discovered he worked during the week with the weekends off, usually hanging around town or the house, he would periodically drive up to the Big Smoke for the weekend. Lisa said he was an avid shooter and would frequent the rabbit warrens on the ridge that bordered their two properties, usually in the mornings or late afternoons. Kathryn finished her second cup and thanked Lisa, she said you must come over and give me some advice on what I can do with my garden. The dogs followed them out to the car, Kathryn thanked Lisa again and waved goodbye.

Kathryn drove back to her house and looking out of the kitchen window across the paddock that separated the two houses, began planning her surveillance strategy. It was Wednesday and the weekend approaching she needed to establish this boy’s routines and movements, both houses were a little over a quarter of a mile apart and each could see the comings and goings of each house. The road that serviced their properties ran along the western fence line of Kathryn’s property, giving forewarning of any vehicle travelling along the road in either direction. Kathryn established that he would normally return from work around four o’clock in the afternoon, driving a Gold 1979 Holden Torana. Kathryn theorised that her best chance of perhaps enjoying another performance was restricted to weekend afternoons. It was early Summer the mornings were not suited to sun bathing so the afternoon offered the best opportunity, sometime from three o’clock onwards. Saturday afternoon approached and Kathryn set herself to task, she had been observing the house to note of his departure. Kathryn dressed in her usual attire of gym wear and a pair of Blundstone’s, she took a hat and water and set off. Kathryn made her way following the same path previously and reached the creek bed hiding place shortly after three o’clock, she made herself comfy sitting against the bank and waited and waited and waited. It was past five thirty in the afternoon and Kathryn realised the opportunity had passed, she made her way back home disappointed but determined to continue with her plan.

Sunday morning came it was the end of October and the day was cloudless with a top of 29 degrees celsius, Kathryn repeated her plan kept an eye on the house, he did leave mid morning but drove back by noon. Kathryn journeyed to the hiding place and waited again to no avail. The second weekend proved as fruitless as the previous weekend, Kathryn was not despondent but she was doubting her strategy, that luck was the sole contributing factor. Fortune Favours The Bold and the prepared.

Tuesday morning was another beautiful day, Kathryn was in the kitchen sipping on her coffee when she noticed the Timothy taking some hay out to the horses, her interest sparked she watched him busying himself around the house for the next hour. Kathryn kept a close eye out all morning but he did not leave the property, she picked up the phone and dialled Lisa’s number. Lisa answered and Kathryn made the premise that she wanted to add some colour to her garden, but did not know what would be suitable to plant. Lisa mentioned that she had left her run a bit late, but some Portulaca’s would provide good colour by the end of Summer. Kathryn heard the door slam shut in the background and asked is that your husband I can hear? No said Lisa it’s Timothy he’s having a sickie today, he’s looking for some batteries for his Walkman. Kathryn could hear him in the background talking to his Mum, with Lisa dismissing his questions in a tone of annoyance, he’s banging around the house looking for some bloody batteries, he’s going for a walk later and wants to listen to his music. Kathryn thanked Lisa for her advice and hung up, she wondered if luck could be on her side today.

Kathryn changed quickly as she could into the appropriate attire and set off with hast, reaching her hiding place panting and sweating from the excursion of getting there in time. Kathryn was finally rewarded twenty minutes later when she noticed the Timothy making his way up from the paddock towards her and settle under the same tree as before. Slipping off his boots and socks he walked out into the field, spread a beach towel out on the ground and undressed, fashioned the familiar pillow from his shorts and T-shirt, adjust his headphones pressed play threw his hat to one side and lay prone on the towel. Kathryn had a more lateral view of his naked body this time and it still captivated her quickening her pulse she stood drinking in the delights of his form, this time she was aware of the growing dampness between her legs. Timothy’s body still held all of it’s alluring symmetry and simplicity as when she first spied him, his clean lines, soft limbs and handsome cock.

Approximately ten minutes had elapsed and he began to roll over onto his back, this time his beautiful penis was fully erect, it waved and bobbed as he re-positioned himself on his back facing the sun. Kathryn was elated with what she was seeing her anticipation grew as did her desire. Timothy reached down and took hold of his penis, he lay there with it in his grasp for several minutes, then he began his performance.

It was different this time, he started with long slow strokes along the length of his penis with his foreskin sliding backwards and forwards over the head of his cock. Kathryn’s eyes were fixated on his penis as he stroked it’s length, he brought the palm of his free hand to his lips and then cupped the head of his cock. As his hand slid down over his head it glistened and flexed as he held on tight to the base. He returned to kneading his cock with increasing speed, the desperation in his actions consuming him as he arched his hips, a cry escaped him and his orgasm triumphed. With each gliding blow from his hand a jet of semen fired into the air arcing over his hips and splashing onto his belly, four glorious jets of cum coiled through the air before they began to subside leaving a trailing pool of thick white cum on his abdomen. Timothy lay motionless for the next minute his cock still hard and swollen, a strand of cum connected the tip of his penis to the indent of his belly button which was now submerged under a puddle of semen. Appearing to come to his senses the young man sat up got to his feet picked up his hat and towel, shook it to dislodge the grass and wiped the cum from his abdomen and cock. He gingerly walked back to the tree where his boots lay and dressed. Adjusting the headphones he made his way back down the field to the paddock below.

Kathryn watched him disappear her heart racing wildly and her head spinning, she made the audacious decision to satisfy her desire there and then, she moved back along the creek bed into the cool safety of the Fern lined Grotto. Sliding her hand into the waistband of her leggings her fingers touched the outer folds of her vagina, opening them released a flood of wetness that engulfed her fingers allowing them to glissade without resistance over her lips and around her opening. As her fingers pressed down on her clitoris, a shudder of pleasure zigzagged through her galvanizing her hunger. Kathryn withdrew her hand from her pants and removed her top, siding out of her bra she cupped each of her bountiful breasts in her hands plucking at her nipples, driving a hot flush of panic into her cunt. With one hand cradling a breast squeezing hard on the nipple, the other hand made its way back down between her thighs filling the opening with her wet fingers. Kathryn released a low moan of longing as her fingers began their elliptical wandering with her clitoris as their compass bearing. They charted a course circumnavigating the lips and folds of her vagina returning to their true North to begin the cycle again. Kathryn was breathing fast and sighing on almost every breath as her fingers raced to the finish line, her climax building quickly forcing her fingers attention to her clitoris. Kathryn felt the nipple between her forefinger and thumb stiffen, and she proclaimed the advent of her orgasm to the surrounding fields with a single distressed cry. God it felt good, it cavitated a path from her cunt into her spine twisting her insides, her breasts flushing crimson as they launched forth their nipples, a sweeping ecstasy in an outpouring of release and sobbing satisfaction. Kathryn stilled her fingers, allowing them linger as her orgasm subsided. With the last tingling wave dissipating she withdrew her hand leaned against the large bolder that formed one wall of the Grotto and caught her breath.

It was riveting, indulging in unbridled voyeurism to bear witness to someone’s secret pleasures, to risk discovery, to exploit their vulnerability in satisfying her own appetites. It carried a charged eroticism that Kathryn had not experienced before not to this extreme, she had been excitedly consumed at times in the sensuality of intimate acts, but this had a raw power to it. It was a thrilling indecency, that commanded Kathryn’s hunger and dictated her behaviours, enforcing an embargo upon caution and common sense. The intensity of her orgasm did little to alleviate the excitement of what she had witnessed. Recalling it from her memory proved a provocation too enticing to resist and only confirmed the hold it had upon her.

Kathryn looked down at her bare breasts their nipples remained erect and sympathetic to her touch, as she gently toyed with them they disseminated wonderful ripples of pleasure. Kathryn now embraced her disobedience to caution, propriety and morality, the thrill had not relinquished it’s hold on her and she was resolute in making the most of this pleasure. Slipping her boots off and pulling her leggings down she stepped out of them. Kathryn was now standing naked in the Grotto, as the coolness encircled her body, she accepted the comfort of it’s embrace, she felt energised. Kathryn walked over to the far wall of the Grotto, Maidenhair like ferns formed a thick rich green tapestry, she ran her fingers through the fronds feeling their delicate touch. Stepping in closer Kathryn pressed her body into this green curtain, the fronds danced languidly across her skin, skimming over her breasts as she carefully brushed them against the lush green ferns lining the wall. Kathryn stood with her eyes closed quietly swaying from side to side, the fragile fronds affectionately caressing her extravagant bosoms, stimulating her nipples. Drawing in a deep breath she drank in the exhilaration of the ferns sensuous touch, covering her breasts falling down over her curved tummy, provocatively lingering on her thighs.

Kathryn’s nudity fuelled her sense of freedom and abandonment, she was alone in this private place, indulging in the most private of pleasures and for a moment she entertained the thought that she too was being secretly watched. This thought evolved and a fantasy took shape, she imagined the young man Timothy peering over the edge of the bank, his eyes fixed on her body. Kathryn turned from the wall and faced her imaginary voyeur, her hands came up under her heavy bosoms lifting them up and pushing hem together as if to beckon the voyeur’s hard cock to rest between them. Letting them fall free she pinched at her nipples producing a discernible cry of pleasure, she continued to tug at their hard nubs causing the pendulous weight of her breasts to move in compassionate sympathy to the efforts of her fingers. Sliding both hands down into her groin one hand pulling up on her belly the other find the opening to her sex. Kathryn parted the lips of her vagina releasing an outpouring of wetness coating her fingers and blanketing her inner thighs, she arched backwards slightly and angled her hips out, exhibiting her cunt to the voyeur. A thrill coursed through her tracing an incendiary pathway setting her innards aflame, her fingers breached the opening of her vagina and the fire within.

Pursuing the fantasy Kathryn fashioned a mat using her top and leggings, sat down on it, spreading her legs wide ensuring her voyeur had an unobstructed view. Kathryn felt self-conscious at her vulnerability, sitting open legged exposing her nude body and her intention to masturbate in front of her imaginary voyeur. Leaning back on one arm she dug her hand into the washed sand that lined the floor of the Grotto and returned her fingers down to her vagina. Kathryn was determined to put on an unmentionable performance of disgraceful lust, her fingers had begin their labouring and the hot flushes that filled her body only amplified the thrill. The fantasy was solidifying within her imagination, the young man’s eyes were upon her and she intended to display her most private of desires. The thrill surged through her making her blush, her heart race, inciting her to lustfulness and driving her reckless behaviours. As she advanced towards her climax the terror of surrendering to the pleasure and enjoyment in her act grew to the point of overwhelming her. The terror was not so much in being discovered engaged in the act itself, but her capitulation to the pleasure that it gave. We are perhaps more defined by what pleases us than what offends us. Good Girls, and decent Women do not have desires or seek pleasures other than what is dictated to them, and Kathryn was solely and selfishly indulging in what pleased her and no one else.

Kathryn’s body responded quickly to her self pleasuring and first series of deep contractions seized her pelvis, she lifted her supporting arm and reclined feeling the course sand against her back and shoulders, the sky was blue in every direction. Spreading her legs apart Kathryn brought both hands to bare, her fingers confidently exploring the space between her thighs. Pushing her hand down further Kathryn’s finger tips reached out and lightly caressed the opening of her rectum, she did not penetrate it, but set her fingers to circumnavigate it’s borders, releasing a delightful flood of pleasure. The response to this deviance was an intense spasm that ran through her vagina jettisoning a stream of fluid that splashed against her fingers and ran down into the sand. Kathryn coordinated the actions of her fingers focusing on her clitoris and her anus, with another wave of contractions spreading through her pelvis. Kathryn closed her eyes and immersed herself in the pleasures invading her senses, her weighty breasts sat perched between her arms quaking in unison to the movements of her fingers, her nipples as if in solidarity with the excitement raging between her thighs they too erupted from their battlements in large hard nubs. The eyes of her voyeur were locked upon her as she closed in on her climax, once the threshold was breached she abandoned herself to the ecstasy as a reward for her boldness. Adding fuel to the fire Kathryn called out to her voyeur ‘I’m Cumming’ a moment later she delivered a series of cry’s that filled the Grotto and echoed out over the field. Kathryn’s orgasm was tenacious in it’s aspiration to ecstasy enforcing it’s dominion over her body, with her vagina releasing a succession of small jets of fluid as an accessory to her orgasm that drowned the fingers of both her hands. The pleasure that spiralled through her was crude and it achieved it’s objective inelegantly, plundering her senses with a pointed sting to it’s temperament. It did however gratify her ravenous hunger.

Kathryn lay still upon the sand, opening her eyes she looked up but found her voyeur had vanished and wondered what delights he may have taken from her performance. Standing up she brushed of the sand that covered her back and shook what sand she could from her top and leggings, both were soaked and stained from her performance. Dressing Kathryn made her way back to her house, when she arrived home she entered through the laundry, stripped off her clothes and threw them in the washing basket. Kathryn leaned in and turned the shower on, once it ran hot she adjusted it and stepped under the stream, enjoying it as it washed away the afternoon’s activities. Stepping out of the shower, she dried herself and stood in front of the mirror reflecting upon the choices she had made in the field this afternoon. The memory of the afternoon remained vivid and the fantasy she contrived still solicited a thrill, not as intense as earlier but enough to set her heart racing. Kathryn threw on a light sundress before heading to the kitchen to make something to eat, she brewed a strong pot tea and stood sipping it from a cup as she looked out across the paddock to the neighbours house, and spoke to herself ‘Fuck Me What Do You Think You Are Doing Kathryn’.

Written by Peter1111

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