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Catheter Man -The Story - Watersports

"A Hospital Visit to Remember !"

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I was in hospital recovering after a hernia operation, the operation had gone well, but for some reason, possibly a side effect of the anesthetic, I wasn’t passing urine.

The doctor, who I thought must be a bit deaf, as he talked very loudly, said that if this situation hadn’t returned to normal by that evening, that they would have to insert a catheter, until I was weeing normally.

I was feeling very embarrassed, because I was sure everyone in the room was now aware of my issue.

The thought of having a catheter put in wasn’t something that I was looking forward to, and

I really wanted to asked the doctor if it hurt much, but I decided that having him broadcast the answer to everyone, was a further embarrassment that I could do without.

After the doctor had left, the very friendly lady in the bed next to me, that I had been chatting with earlier, said, I hope you don’t mind, but I couldn’t help overhear what the doctor was talking to you about.

I said, you’d have to be deaf , not to hear the doctor from the next bed, and no I don’t mind ,

It’s a bit embarrassing though . She said that there’s no need to be embarrassed , and she told me that she had had a catheter in for a couple of days.

She then said, is it too embarrassing to talk about, and would you prefer me not to talk about it at all, I said that I didn’t have a problem talking about it, but was a bit concerned about it hurting if they had to put one in.

She said, would it make you feel any better if I told you that the nurse that put my catheter in, was very careful, and that it didn’t hurt at all. I said, well that is good news, and it does make me a bit less worried about it, and thanked her.

Then she said, there is a positive side to having the catheter in, and that is that she didn’t have to keep getting out of bed , to go and have a wee in the bathroom.

I had noticed that she seemed to be drinking a lot of water from the jug next to her, but I didn’t really think much of it until she mentioned the advantages of the catheter.

Whilst chatting to her, and learning that her name was Glenda, I took a bit more notice of the amount of water that she was drinking. The water jug, was 2. litres, the same as the jug next to me, but Glenda was drinking about half of the jug virtually every hour, and the nurse would come around about every 2 hours, and they would pull the screen around her, and I guessed that they must have been emptying the bag of wee, and refilling the water jug.

I was beginning to take a bit more interest, as I saw all of these goings on in the bed next to me.

For some reason, I had always had a fascination about anything to do with women having a wee,

It had always really turned me on, but this was, for me, a very unusual situation, as I wasn’t able to see Glenda weeing, or couldn’t even hear her weeing, which I also find a turn on.

I was finding myself being turned on by simply seeing her drink, what I considered a large amount of water, not to mention, that once it had been drunk, it had to go somewhere, and increasingly, the thought that if the wee bag connected to the catheter, was only being emptied every 2 hours, well , that was a lot of wee ! Potentially 2. Litres !

Then I began to consider, if Glenda didn’t have a catheter in, how often would she have to be going to the bathroom for a wee ? Given that she was drinking 1. Litre every hour.

The number of questions that I had running around in my mind was growing by the minute,

but how on earth would I be able to even broach the subject , without running the risk of overstepping the mark, and causing great offence, and potentially making a huge amount of trouble for myself.

Glenda had seemed very willing to talk about the catheter earlier that morning, so I thought that I’d just innocently ask why she seemed to be drinking a lot of water, was it doctors orders?

She said that the doctors had suggested that she drink regularly, but it was just something that she did anyway, as she thought it was good for her overall health.

So this is why, when she couldn’t get in and out of bed easily, with her leg injury, that she thought that the catheter was a great advantage.

As she had seemed to have no issues with the conversation so far, I got a bit braver, and asked if the amount of water that she was drinking now , in hospital, was what she would normally drink

as her everyday routine, and she said it was usual for her to drink about 1 Litre every hour.

I told her that I was amazed at her drinking that much, and added , no wonder you are happy about having the catheter in, you would have to be struggling out of the bed, and going for a wee very often, if you didn’t have the catheter in.

Glenda turned and looked at me, and I thought, oop’s I’ve overstepped the mark here,

I’m about to get in trouble, for discussing something a bit too personal !

She smiled , and proceeded to tell me, very proudly, that all her family and a couple of her close girlfriends , that knew her very well, were aware of her weeing abilities, and called her “ The Camel “ because on a long car trip , or in any situation, that she is able to hold on, and not need to go to the toilet for a wee, for an eternity, without any trouble !

I was stunned ! Clearly she seemed more than happy to talk about this, even proud of this fact !

This amazing response, made me think I could ask even more probing questions,

So I asked, if you were on a long car trip, you maybe drinking less than you are now,

allowing you to hold on for ages, but drinking a Litre every hour, like you are now,

wouldn’t you have to wee a lot more often ?

Glenda thought about it for a little while, and I did wonder if I’d overstepped,

but she said , if I didn’t have the catheter in now, and was drinking like I normally do,

and as I am now, I would probably go for a wee about every 2 to 2 and a half hours.

I was so amazed by what she had just said, it must have shown on my face,

she proudly said, I told you I am a camel !

I asked her if she was embarrassed about talking about any of these things, to be certain I wasn’t overstepping, and she said that she was more than happy to talk about it, and invited me to ask away about anything I wanted to, and she said that just about nothing would embarrass her .

So I said, if you are drinking about 1. Litre every hour, and you need to go for a wee after 2 or 2 and a half hours, does that really mean that you would be weeing 2. or 2.5 Litres ?

Very proudly she said yes , of course it does , if I drink it , it has to come out !

Now, besides being shocked , I was really turned on by what she had told me.

Feeling I could ask even more now, I said you must spend a long time in the bathroom weeing every day ?

Once again, very proudly, she said, oh no, it doesn’t take me very long to have a wee, it’s all over quite quickly, it comes out in a real gush !

After I recovered from this revelation, I said, do you remember you told me that the catheter didn’t hurt you when they put it in ?

She said , yes, I do remember saying that to you, and I said , given what you have just told me, I suspect that the catheter didn’t hurt you as it went in, because your wee hole must be a lot larger than average.

She laughed, and said, oh yes , I was just trying to make you feel better about possibly having it done to you, even though when I said that, I do realise why it was so easy for me. Now I feel a bit guilty about kind of tricking you.

I told her that she shouldn’t feel guilty for trying to make me feel less worried about having a catheter put in, because the conversation that we were having was like no conversation that I’d ever had previously in my life, and had taken my mind totally off the impending catheter that I may be having put in soon.

Glenda admitted that she had never had a conversation like this before either, apart from her family joking about her being a camel.

Again I asked, are you sure you don’t mind talking about it, she said that she was actually enjoying talking about it.

I told her that I was really impressed by her ability as a camel, and said that I had always really wanted to be able to talk to someone about these sort of things, but it’s hardly the sort of thing that you could bring up in any normal conversation, without running the risk of offending people.

Glenda agreed , and said even though she was very proud of her camel ability, besides her family, and a couple of close girlfriends, that knew about this, that it wasn’t something that she would ever have dreamt of telling anyone else about, and then she said , but it has been so very easy for some reason , talking to you about it, and I can’t believe how much I am enjoying talking about it with you.

Just as I said , so am I , the nurse arrived, and I guessed why she had come to visit me.

Glenda said quietly to me, it’s the same nurse that put my catheter in, so you’ll be fine.

I said, that’s easy for a camel to say, and Glenda laughed quietly.

The curtain was drawn around me, and the nurse told me what was going to happen with the catheter, and she just got on with it.

When she had finished putting it in, and setting up the bag, she asked if I wanted the curtain drawn back as it had been before, and I said yes please, and thanked her.

Glenda was sitting there looking at me, smiling, and said , I didn’t hear any screams of pain,

I smiled back and said, well , I can’t say that there was any great pain involved with the process of putting in the catheter, but I’m not sure that I should really talk about how it felt, even after our very open conversation, just beforehand.

Glenda was looking very quizzically at me, and said, now you’ve got me intrigued, I really would like to know, nothing is going to shock me, so don’t hold back if you are only worrying about it offending , or upsetting me, because it won’t.

I said, are you sure now, once I’ve said it, it’s out there, and can’t be unsaid.

Please just tell me; you know how you said that you were really impressed by my camel ability,

well that was a very personal thing about me , that I told you, so you owe me something back.

I said that was fair enough, and I told her that instead of feeling the great pain that I had been expecting, as the catheter went in, that in fact ,it was an amazing sensation, and felt like nothing I had ever experienced before.

Before I had a chance to say any more , Glenda was smirking, and said, don’t tell me that you got aroused by it ?

I must have looked very embarrassed , because Glenda said, I’m sorry, I wasn’t making fun of you,

but when you were being sheepish about it not hurting, I don’t know why, but I just had the thought

that maybe the opposite had happened, and it had , hadn’t it ?

I had to admit to Glenda that I had found the whole catheter experience a real turn on,

and I said , that if I was being honest, I had found our whole conversation that we had been having that day, a real turn on also.

She said that she had also found herself being turned on by our conversation.

Would it be too cheeky of me to ask if you felt anything when the nurse put your catheter in ?

Glenda said, it went in so very easily, even the nurse made a comment about it, and I felt just a slight tingling sensation, it wasn’t unpleasant, but I don’t think it made the same impact on me , that your one made on you! Given the sensation you spoke of when it went in.

A bit later on, the nurse arrived, and drew the curtain around Glenda. When she has finished, she opened the curtain again, and Glenda was smiling at me, in a funny way, and I said what are you up to ?

Glenda said that she had organised a surprise for me !

I was wondering what on earth it could be, and she told me that she had made an excuse to the nurse, about the catheter tube annoying her leg, and had asked the nurse to put the bag on this side of the bed.

She then told me that the tube wasn’t bothering her at all, but had thought that possibly, as I seemed to be turned on by the whole wee thing, that I may enjoy seeing her bag get filled up, as she drank her jug of water.

Once I got over the shock, I told her that it was an amazing idea, and that I would really appreciate

such a fantastic surprise.

So she pulled up the blanket that was covering the wee bag, which was virtually empty at the moment, so that I could see it. Then I said , that as my wee bag was on her side of my bed,

did she want to see my wee bag ? and she said, if it’s good for the goose , it’s good for the gander also

My wee bag had maybe a litre in it, at this time, and as she was looking at it, she said, I just had an interesting thought.

Now that we can see both of our wee bags, we could have a sort of race , to see who can fill it first.

She said , I bet I can fill my bag before you can, even though you have got a great head start !

I was amazed by her attitude to all of this, I had never met anyone like this in my life.

I said, Glenda, you are turning this into a sort of competition !

She said, I didn’t really think of it like that when I decided to do it , I just thought that you may find it a turn on, as you seem to have a bit of a fetish about weeing!

However, I’m certainly up for any competition, when it comes to weeing, remember , I’m a camel !

I didn’t normally drink anything like the amount of water that Glenda drank, but I drank a lot more than I usually would have, in an attempt to take on her challenge.

Glenda could see that I was drinking much more than normal, and said, well two can play at that game, and whilst I was struggling to get through not even half of my water jug.

Glenda had somehow managed to drink her entire 2. litre jug, and had buzzed the nurse, to have her jug refilled ! and was making a serious dent in the second jugfull !

I simply couldn’t believe how quickly she had drunk that much water !

I had been so intently watching her drink the water, which I was amazed at how turned on I was finding myself, by this seemingly benign act, that I hadn’t been looking at the wee bag, and when I did, I couldn’t believe that her prediction had come true, she had virtually filled her bag already, and mine was nowhere near full !

Before I could say anything, Glenda was pointing at the bags, and said , I told you that I was going to beat you !

I said, given the head start that I’d had, I think that you did a lot more than just beat me, if this had been, say , a 100 Metre running race, and we both started together, you would have beaten me by so much, that I would have been made to feel very insignificant, and over powered, and I do feel like that, given how easily you beat me, in this weeing competition.

Glenda looked at me, and said, that’s a funny thing to say, it’s so usual for men to be the one in a position of power, not women, but, this is a strange situation, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, and it’s funny, but I do actually feel as if I am in a position of power, over you, in these circumstances, and I have to admit that I am really turned on by the feeling !

I said, I am also feeling incredibly turned on, and I don’t quite understand exactly why.

I have lost the competition, by a long way, and I should be feeling like a looser.

However, all I am feeling is an incredible sense of awe, because I do feel so insignificant compared to your weeing ability, I have never experienced a feeling like it in my life.

I have really enjoyed our incredible conversation so far, and have always longed to be able to talk to someone really openly, and honestly about all these things, and have never found anyone to do so with. I am so pleased that we have found one another.

Glenda said that she felt like that as well.

Things had quietened down in the hospital now, it was about 10.30pm.

Glenda and I had been watching the same movie on the tv’s above our beds.

The nurse had been around and had dealt with our wee bags and water jugs,

and we were alone again

My mind was just racing after all the amazing revelations of the day,

I said to Glenda, that I felt an incredible bond with her, and given that it had

occurred so quickly and under such unusual circumstances, that I didn’t really know

how to deal with it.

Glenda said, I’m just going to say exactly what I am thinking and feeling right now, it maybe too early to say this, but I truly have a great belief in my gut feeling, and I can’t believe what has happened today, I will say that I think that I could easily fall for you, more than I have already.

I know I’m running a risk, making such a bold statement, but I want you to know how I feel, and

the thought of you being suddenly discharged from hospital, and it just being the end of the amazing connection, on so many levels that we have made, is the reason that I’m saying all of this to you.

I just couldn’t bear it to end as quickly as it has begun, this connection has really touched me,

and I don’t want to loose it.

Oh Glenda, I’m so pleased that you have said all of that, I am feeling exactly the same way,

but I was too scared to say it, and I didn’t want it all to just come to an end either.

Glenda said, I wish I could hold your hand.

I said, I wish I could hold your hand also,

and I’m going to get out of bed , carry my wee bag, in one hand and come over to you,

and hold your hand with my free hand, if that is alright with you ?

Glenda smiled at me, and said , that would be lovely.

So I very gingerly slid out of the bed, got my feet on the floor, unhooked my wee bag,

and slowly moved over to Glenda’s bed side.

She was holding up her hand, and it was wonderful to feel the gentle touch of her soft skin.

I told her that just holding her hand was a beautiful experience.

Glenda leant towards me, and said would a kiss be asking too much?

I said it would be lovely, and we had a long passionate kiss,

and it was wonderful, I said that I was on cloud 9.

Glenda said that she felt overwhelmed also, and we just stayed there holding hands.

Whilst standing there, with her hand in mine, feeling ecstatic, with the wee bag in my other hand,

I suddenly had the most extraordinary thought cross my mind !

It must have been obvious that something had happened to me, because Glenda was looking intently at me, and said, by the look on your face , I’m guessing that now you have had an amazing thought !

Glenda said, and I think that I know what it is !

I said, that I thought it incredibly unlikely that she could have guessed what I’d thought of.

Glenda said, by the look of the bump that has appeared in your theatre gown,

I think that you are thinking about making love to me !

I looked down, and realised why she had assumed this, and felt embarrassed, and apologised, and I said, under any normal circumstances, you would be correct, but given that we are both recovering from surgery, and are tied up with catheter tubes , and I’m certainly not meant to be exerting myself, after the hernia operation, for once I wasn’t thinking about that !

Glenda said, don’t apologise !

I’m really pleased that you so strongly feel like that ! Even if it’s not directly about making love to me, it’s happening whilst we are holding hands , and kissing.

I am very interested to know what it is that has so obviously helped to turn you on !

I said, you know how you were a bit reluctant to tell me about your wee game ?

Well, I’m a bit concerned to tell you about this, as it’s a lot more radical than your wee game !

Glenda said, nothing you could tell me would freak me out ! Try me !

OK, This is what just occurred to me, out of the blue some how, as we were holding hands, and kissing, you understand about how we both seem turned on by our feelings of , in my case, you having an amazing power of weeing ability over me, which really turns me on , and you seem to be really turned on by having that power advantage over me ?

Glenda said, yes , I feel incredibly turned on by all of that, you know that !

Please just tell me what your idea is !

OK, but don’t say that I didn’t warn you !

If we were to disconnect your catheter line, and shut off valve from your wee bag,

and close your shut off valve,

and then you were to drink a lot of water,

Your wee couldn’t come out of your bladder, because the shut off valve is stopping it.

So if we waited until your bladder was bursting !

And then I disconnected my catheter line , and shut off valve from my wee bag,

and if we can find another piece of plastic tubing,

We can directly join both of the shut off valves, which means that our catheters are connected together.

Then we will have actually made a direct connection from your bladder to my bladder,

All that is stopping the flow going between us is the shut off valves !

As soon as we open the shut off valves you would be able to force your wee into my bladder !

Glenda looked at me in astonishment, and said, would that really work ?

Well , if I can find some plastic tube to connect us together, I can’t see why it wouldn’t work !

Glenda said, I told you how much I can wee ! And how it gushes out !

Aren’t you scared that if it works that I might hurt you !

I said, I am aware that you could hurt me by forcing wee into me too fast, or forcing too much wee into my bladder, and overfilling it, causing me pain , or worse !

But the thrill that comes from imagining having you force your hot wee into me,

makes the risk of all that danger even more exciting !

Glenda said, I should be thinking about your safety, because I care about you so much,

but I am so turned on by the thought of doing this to you, that if it works, and I can really make my wee flow into you, I think that I may not be able to help myself from trying to wee with as much force as I can muster !

I said, so do you really want to try it ?

Glenda said, you start looking for the plastic tube, and I’ll start drinking !

Eventually I found some tube in a cupboard, and it was a good fit on the valves.

Glenda was drinking like a fish, she had finished her own 2 Lt jug, and I gave her my half full one.

When I returned with her refilled jug, she had emptied my jug as well !

I lost track of time, as we were talking about all sorts of things, not all of them about weeing !

We had a huge amount of things in common, and studying her up closer, I could see that she was

even prettier, than I had realised from a distance, a beautiful girl next door look, which really does it for me, I’m not into the tizzy look !

Glenda gave me a look, and I said, how are you going ?

She said that she wasn’t quite bursting yet, but felt that with the amount that she now held in her bladder, that it really maybe dangerous to wait any longer, for fear of what she may do to me !

I was sitting in a chair next to her, and I said, I’ll open my valve now, and then I’ll let you open your valve, and let the fun begin !

Glenda’s hand moved towards the valve, and we looked at one another in incredible anticipation !

She said, how far should I open it ?

I suggested that to start with, that she just open it a little , to let her wee trickle out,

until it had filled up the tubes, and catheters first, before forcing a full flow into me .

She did this, and I could just feel a trickle entering my bladder.

I said, I’m now at your mercy ! And I’m really wanting to feel that initial amazing rush !

Glenda said, OK , I’ll open it fully and quickly !

But I’ll be ready to turn it off the moment you say stop !

She opened the valve very quickly, and the stream of wee forcing it’s way into my bladder

felt so incredible, that I was lost for words !

Glenda could see that I was in a state of ecstasy, and said, are you OK ?

Oh yes, it’s amazing !

The incoming rush is just beyond belief !

Glenda said, I’m just letting it happen naturally at the moment,

Would you like me to really try hard, and push ! To see if I can increase the flow !

I said, if you can do that, please give it everything you can !

Glenda didn’t need to be asked twice,

Instantly, the pressure , and the flow increased dramatically ! I had never imagined anything could feel like this, what an incredible buzz !

Glenda was looking so pleased with herself, and said , the feeling of power that I’m getting is

such a turn on, can you take much more ?

I said that I was beginning to feel like I needed a wee, so I must be getting close to full !

Glenda said, the buzz I’m getting, and the power trip from it is astonishing, and I’m going to be very naughty, and take you further beyond your limits !

The feeling of the rush, and that of being at her mercy, and so overpowered, was so strong, that I didn’t want it to end !

So I said, keep going !

Glenda was overjoyed at this , and tried even harder to test me !

Finally, I said , I think if you keep on going that you could burst my bladder !

She gave me a very cheeky look, and I felt one final extra incredible squirt pumped into me !

And she said , if I take you a little beyond your limits every time, maybe I can turn you into a camel as well !

Then she shut off the valves, and it was amazing to be feeling so full , and bursting, and not being able to wee !

Then Glenda said, I wonder what would happen if I didn’t try to push my wee out,

and we opened the valves now !

I said , I’m not sure, but I feel like I have a fair bit of pressure in my bladder.

Glenda said, I’d like to try, to find out what happens !

I said , so would I !

So we opened the valves, and I could definitely feel it flowing out of me, quickly at first,

but then it slowed down.

Before I knew what was happening, Glenda was forcing her we back into me at again ,

with even more power !

She said , I know where I got you to last time, we are going a bit further this time !

Glenda had discovered a game that she was an absolute master at !

And I discovered that by being a looser, that I was really a winner !

THE END OF THE FANTASY. And back to reality !

This fantasy did actually occur to me during a visit to hospital, whilst I did have a catheter,

I never knew if Glenda, in the next bed, had one or not !

It’s not the sort of conversation that one ever gets to have in real life, at least not in mine !

This all happened about 30 years ago, and the power that this fantasy has held over me has only grown stronger over the years.

I have never experienced it for real, I am fully aware of the many health and safety implications involved, and it’s not the sort of thing to be done on a whim , with an unknown person on a one night stand.

It would require a very special person, I think the chances of me actually meeting one such person in my life is incredibly unlikely, but if anyone that read my fantasy story, and has found it to be a really strong turn on for them, and would like to discuss any aspects of it , I’d be very pleased to discuss it.

In a perfect world, I would like to make a very close and trusting long term connection with just one person, or possibly one couple, MF, or FF, that finds the prospect of my fantasy, and watersports in general, as enticing as I do. To be able to enjoy it in a safe closed environment.

I am married , but my current partner began our relationship with the full knowledge of my fantasy, I was totally upfront right from the beginning , and made it clear that I had got out of my terrible previous relationship because nothing , I mean no sex, let alone anything like this was ever going to happen.

And I didn’t want to go to my grave without ever having experienced this fantasy, and other watersports experiences !

But it has never actually happened for one reason ( excuse ) or another , in over 10 years, and isn’t to be spoken of , or considered any more, it’s just a whim of mine , to be gotten over!

I feel ripped off, and cheated ,

More recently I have suffered the loss of a child, and close family members.

Life is short and fragile, and then it’s over !

I don’t want to get to the end, and never had experienced something that has captured my imagination for so long !

I have never cheated on any partner before, but if I don’t do something now, it may be too late to start seriously trying.

Over the years this fantasy has gone through a series of variations, and alterations.

By that I mean that I understand anyone’s, particularly women's, reluctance to have a catheter put in to them.

I have come up with a way to use a sort of modified “ She Wee “ so that nothing has to be inserted into the woman’s urethra, it would have to be tailor made , to suit the particular woman’s anatomy,

but I think that could be a bit of fun all round , with the right connection made with the right person.

I am a very respectful, kind, caring person, and I am 100 % drug and Disease free, and if after much discussion someone was seriously interested in pursuing my idea with me, and the trusting connection was there, I think it reasonable that testing was done to insure both parties safety.

I’m not looking for any short term fling.

That is totally inappropriate for this kind of thing , and not what I am looking for.

Ideally a mature stable woman or couple, that would be happier not playing the field,

and taking the risks that that involves.

But they are looking for, and really turned on by, and have a wee fetish already, or my story may have uncovered a hidden wee fetish within them ?

The story had some aspects that may seem reckless, talk of pushing boundaries etc,

This is something that I wouldn’t expect anyone to do, and I am always very respectful.

It was just a way of adding an edge to the story.

I have started writing a much expanded version of the story, and have amazed myself with some of the concepts, and situations that I have developed, and I been amazed how sexually stimulating they can be, I haven’t put any of it here , it’s too long , and I may turn it into a book later.

But the right person, if they came along may also benefit from them.

I have been on this site for over 10 years, but I have never before let this fantasy story be known

as part of my profile.

I thought that people may have been intrigued enough to ask about it, to find out , but amazingly only once, and the woman then tried to psychoanalyse me , and came up with conclusions that showed that she had clearly no interest in water sports , and certainly no understanding of the power of fantasies !

So to be clear

Catheters need not be involved at all !

So don’t let catheters put you off!

Written by catheter_man_THE_STORY

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